Elysian Health

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Routine mental health check ups?

Think about it, you go in for routine physical check-ups, but what about routine mental check-ups?

Often the health of our bodies and mind are not treated in unison. In fact, more often than not, our mental health isn’t a consideration at all. So what would happen if we combined health care and social care?

At Elysian, we believe in an integrated health care model that serves your entire well-being.

Making Care More Effective

Care that links the physical and mental well-being of a client has proven to be economically and medically beneficial. The best quality of life comes from taking care of both the body and the mind, yet this isn’t the standard in most medical systems.

We believe that by combining all aspects of your health, we’re able to offer clients solutions that may have otherwise been missed.

So much of the time, a mental ailment may show up physically, or vice versa. If we’re only treating one part of the body, we’re often giving an inaccurate diagnosis.

“Growing awareness of this link between physical and mental health, even at very early ages, has led health care professionals and others working on social change to more deeply examine how global health care systems can treat the whole person for better overall well-being,” (Stanford Social Innovation Review).

Treating the Body as One

While many social advances have been made, mental health is still something that is often misunderstood. By integrating physical health and social care, we can destigmatize this aspect of health and remove even more barriers for those who may need it.

You might be reading this thinking, well, why isn’t every medical centre operating this way? We were wondering the same, which is why we knew we had to bring this to our clients.

Our Goal

We’re here to help you achieve the highest quality of life so you can live your best life longer. And that doesn’t just come with treating you physically. Through our integrated health system, your body, mind, and everything in between will be taken care of, so that you can keep living the life you want, no matter your age.

Through innovation and technology, we’re creating proactive solutions for your optimal health. You’re one whole being, and we care about every aspect of you.

If you’re interested in a better model for complete health, join our Elysian Health community by registering below and receive access to exclusive health content and promotions.