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The Ultimate Supplement Routine

Supplements, they’re all the rage. So how do you know what ones you should really be taking, and which are just distractors? Our Chief Pharmacy Officer, Richard Cote, is giving us the full breakdown of what supplements he takes daily and why he chose them.

The No Brainers

Vitamin D

Aiming for an intake of D3-3000IU a day, Richard says that as a fat-soluble steroid hormone, Vitamin D helps to regulate serotonin synthesis. This is why a lot of people suffer from deficiencies in the wintertime, making this vitamin a key one to include in your regime. 


Taking four plant-based omega supplements a day, Richard points out that this supplement has a whole list of benefits. Because the EPA and DHA content of omega supplements can vary so widely, he’s careful about which ones he takes and aims for about 1g of DHA per day. With anti-inflammatory properties that can help with gut health, heart health and more, this is a supplement you don’t want to skip out on. 


Many of us have been focused on boosting our immune levels this past year, and Richard is one of them. While he may not take all of these supplements forever, this regime has been a priority as of late. 

Vitamin C

More widely known as an anti-oxidant, Vitamin C assists enzymes in chemical reactions in the body which helps with wound healing, neurotransmitter production and blood vessel formation. Richard’s interest in Vitamin C lies in the supplement’s ability to promote normal cell function and detect and destroy pathogens. He takes 1-2g B-QID per day.


Taking 15mg or more per day, Richard notes that Zinc’s main function lies in lung health and how it can help the body reduce cold symptoms and duration and also fight off lung infections, such as pneumonia. 


Richard includes this in his regimen as it helps get the zinc he’s taking into his cells. He aims for 500 mg a day. 

Liposomal Glutathione 

Richard began taking this supplement as part of what he calls his “immunity protocol” because of its function in proper T-cell generation. Liposomal Glutathione is also one of the body’s most powerful antioxidants and helps to recharge other antioxidants your body produces. Richard takes 250 mg of this a day.

Other Favourites

Tru-Niagen and Trans-Resveratrol

Both of these are part of the mitochondrial enhancing package that Richard is taking, popularized by Dr. David Sinclair, but adopted by many others. The “ideal” dose for these is still yet to be determined, but currently, Richard takes three 900 mg doses of Tru-Niagen and 1.2 grams of Trans-Resveratrol per day.


Related to anti-ageing, this supplement targets cytoprotective mechanisms that regulate the cells to make more antioxidant and stress response proteins. To live your best life longer, Richard is focused on inflammation reduction, which this aids in. He takes one a day. 

Moringa Tea

To help in the absorption of Sulforaphane, Richard takes one tablespoon of Moringa tea a day. 


Once again supporting anti-inflammation, Curcumin doesn’t affect the gut as much as some other supplements and supports Richard’s body with some of the stressful effects he puts on it from his heavy exercise routine. 


Catching anything he may have missed from his diet, Richard takes a daily multi-vitamin. 

PQQ and CoQ10 

Decreasing inflammation and improving mitochondrial efficiency with its 20 mg a day dose, PQQ is less studied than the other supplements Richard takes but is one he still likes to include in his routine. CoQ10 also shows weaker evidence for energy production, but because of its good safety profile, Richard looks to take 200 mg a day. 


Taking one sachet every one to two weeks, Richard incorporates a probiotic into his diet to better his gut microbiome, and thus overall health. He notes that a healthy gut can really help you live your best life, from the proper absorption of nutrients to hormone production. He believes it’s vital in your overall life longevity. 

When To Take Your Supplements

Really, the best time of day to take any supplements is whatever is simplest. You’re looking to optimize absorption and decrease side effects, so taking supplements at a time where you’re liable to remain consistent and remember, like when you wake up, with your breakfast, at dinner, or before bed is best. 

Some supplements can interfere with medication you may be taking, so always check with your pharmacist before taking anything new. 

Richard’s supplement routine is quite extensive, so he breaks his intake into two groups:

  • After breakfast

  • After supper

None of the supplements Richard takes have any food-based absorption issues, so taking them with meals decreases his chances of his stomach getting upset from the vitamins. He just aims to split the two times evenly up between the day. Reasons he suggests a pill organizer! 

If you have any questions about your own supplement routine, head into the Elysian Health Pharmacy and Richard, or any other of our pharmacists, will be more than happy to assist you.