Elysian Health

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Why You Might Be Experiencing Burnout and What To Do About It

Burnout. It’s a buzzword you’ve probably heard come up many times before, especially since the onset of the pandemic. A form of exhaustion caused by constantly feeling swamped, burnout isn’t something to ignore, and it’s certainly not just going to disappear on its own. 

Often caused by excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress, our team of Naturopaths has ways to help combat it.

Burnout vs. Stress

In many cases, burnout is related to one’s job. However, since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, burnout has been seen to be caused simply by feeling unable to keep up with life’s incessant demands.

People often confuse burnout with stress. Stress is having too much on your plate, like too much work to handle or too many responsibilities, while burnout is feeling like you don’t have enough. Not enough motivation, not enough energy, not enough care to get anything done. Stress often still allows you to accomplish things in a day. Burnout can be debilitating. 

Emotional Signs and Symptoms of Burnout

If you’re trying to decipher if what you’re feeling is stress or burnout, ask yourself these questions: 

  • Are you experiencing a sense of failure and self-doubt?

  • Do you feel helpless, trapped, and defeated?

  • Are you feeling detached from the people around you, and therefore alone and unable to connect?

  • Are you experiencing a loss of motivation?

  • Is your outlook becoming increasingly cynical and negative?

  • Are you experiencing a decreased sense of satisfaction and accomplishment?

If you’ve answered yes to a few, or all, of these questions, it’s time to book an appointment with our Naturopaths. 

What Our Team Can Do To Help

Our team begins with a 75-minute intake session where we take the time to learn all about you, gathering the details of the symptoms you’re experiencing, any past medical history, social history, family history, stress levels, energy levels, overall mood, sleep habits, and health goals. Our goal is to get a complete sense of where you’re at right now and find areas where we can improve upon. 

From there, we’ll develop a tailored course of treatment for your specific form of burnout. This might look like: 

  • Correcting nutrient deficiencies

  • Running blood work and correcting any abnormalities

  • Stress management strategies

  • Sleep improvement techniques and supplements

  • Acupuncture to support adrenal fatigue

  • Adrenal support via herbal medicine or supplements

  • Counselling to provide a safe space to release emotion

  • Diet and lifestyle support and coaching

We’ll also help to set out actions and lifestyle changes you can make to assure you don’t fall back down the burnout path. 

If you’re struggling from burnout and are unsure of where to turn, book an appointment with our Naturopathic team today.