The Top 5 Reasons to Attend Physiotherapy at Elysian Health in South Surrey

Physiotherapy is often performed to restore, maintain, and make the most of your mobility and well-being. It can help with physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, but also overall health and fitness. It’s a great way to get involved in your own recovery.


So why come to Elysian Health for your physiotherapy needs? Here are our top five reasons. 

1.  Receive integrated treatment approach

Using our integrated approach allows us to be fully invested in your healthcare, receiving important details about your wellness from all other practitioners you may see at our clinic. 

Elysian Health physiotherapists are skilled in the assessment and management of a broad range of conditions affecting the musculoskeletal, circulatory, respiratory, and nervous systems. All our physiotherapists are highly trained and registered members of the College Of Physical Therapists of BC, so you can feel confident you’re in good hands. 

2. Treat pain at its roots

At Elysian, you will work with your practitioner to treat your injuries or pain at the source. Not only can it help to treat current conditions, but it can also reduce your risk of injury or illness in the future, as you build your body to be stronger and healthier.

3. Customized treatment plan

At Elysian Health, our highly educated practitioners will tailor your treatment to your specific needs. This means that no two clients will receive the same treatment, as no two client needs are the same. 

4. Minimal side effects

Physiotherapy is designed to heal, not hurt. We use hands out techniques to help you reach your goals. During each physiotherapy session, we will work with you to adjust your treatment plan as needed. 

5. Covered by most insurance plans

Physiotherapy sessions are covered by most extended health insurance plans, so make sure to check with your provider. Bonus, you don’t need a referral from a doctor to begin physiotherapy treatments.

If you have questions about which practitioner would be best suited for you, call us to speak with one of our staff.

Learn more about this and other services offered in the clinic at the PERFORMANCE LAB at Elysian.


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