Movember and Testicular Cancer
Movember is highlighting awareness for men's health issues including testicular cancer. Elysian imaging can assist you with providing access to testicular ultrasound to aid in diagnosis of lumps felt in the testicles.

Movember and Prostate Cancer
Movember and prostate info. What is a prostate MRI?
Breast Cancer Awareness month- Do you need a Breast Ultrasound?

Osteopathic Therapy and ADHD
Treating the body as a whole gives us the ability to stabilize global function, not just one small section of the body. Using a variety of techniques including Craniosacral therapy to address imbalances in the body.

Grip Strength and Aging: A Clue to Biological Youth?
How well are you aging?
Your grip strength might provide a clue. Recent research reveals that weak handgrip strength, may lead to accelerated aging at the DNA level.

Top 10 Tips to Help Improve Your Sleep
Is there a “correct” way to sleep? Not really! Everybody is different, so there isn’t a one-size-all-fits prescription for sleep positioning. However, there are great researched based tips to make falling asleep easier. Read below for 10 tips to help improve your sleep.

Ultrasound now open at Elysian Imaging and Diagnostics in South Surrey
Our Siemens Acuson Ultrasound Machine is the latest in ultrasound equipment with high-resolution imaging and our large, private ultrasound room will make you feel comfortable and relaxed.

When Was the Last Time You Had an in Depth Health Check?
We know that optimal health and well-being are different for each of us. The Executive Health assessment provides a snapshot of your current health status, so you can make informed decisions to achieve your health goals.

What Is IBS and How Can It Be Treated?
With so much information out there about IBS, how do you know what’s right for you? The Elysian team can help.

What Is Osteopathy and Why Can You Benefit From It?
Have you ever of Manual Osteopathic Therapy? A treatment modality that incorporates multiple techniques to treat a wide range of dysfunction, it’s a hands-on therapy that looks at full-body health.

Detect Early Aneurysms and Hemorrhages For A Better Life
Aneurysms and hemorrhages, they’re scary words. But what if they didn’t have to be? Through our Full Body MRI screening, Elysian Health is able to detect early aneurysms and hemorrhages, determining the size in order to create the best course of treatment.

Coronary Calcium Scoring: It could save your life.
Knowing your calcium score can be the key to better understanding your heart health, identifying any diet and lifestyle changes you may need to make…

Tips for Maintaining Healthy Eating Habits During the Summer
Brought to you by our Temporary Registered Dietitian, Brette Macey. As the weather turns warmer and the days get longer, the smell of BBQ’d hot dogs..

Why You Might Be Experiencing Burnout and What To Do About It
Often caused by excessive and prolonged emotional, physical, and mental stress, our team of Naturopaths has ways to help combat it.

Elysian Health Featured in BC Business Magazine
This week BC Business Magazine highlighted Elysian's unique integrated health model.

5 Ways to Prevent and Manage Arthritis
Worried about arthritis pain? The most common forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) all develop differently, but all present pain and can lead to joint deformity and a loss of function.

What Exactly Does A Dietitian Do?
Our Dietitian, Brette Macey, kept receiving the same question, “what exactly does a dietitian do?”. This led her to writing about her job and some of the tasks she faces daily.

Why should a naturopathic practitioner be a part of your concussion recovery team?
Why should a naturopathic practitioner be a part of your concussion recovery team?

Elysian Health Featured in Peace Arch News
You may have seen an article highlighting our preventative medicine and multidisciplinary services.

Diet and Exercise Concerns? South Surrey's New DEXA SCAN Is Here
The wait is over! Elysian Health’s new DEXA SCAN has arrived and with it, the ability to measure your Basal Metabolic Rate.