5 Ways to Prevent and Manage Arthritis

Worried about arthritis pain? The most common forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and psoriatic arthritis (PsA) all develop differently, but all present pain and can lead to joint deformity and a loss of function. So what can you do about it?

Piano Arthritis

You can’t always prevent it, as many factors like age, sex, and family history are out of your control. But there are lifestyle changes you can make to prolong painful joint development and help better manage any pain.

Take Your Omegas

A type of polyunsaturated fat, Omega-3 fatty acids can reduce inflammation in the body. The best way to get these fats is straight from the source, such as fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, or sardines, or nuts, seeds, plant oils and soy beverages. 

And sometimes our diet isn’t always giving us what we need, which is why Omega-3 supplements, which are derived from sources such as fish oil, krill oil, cod liver oil, and algae oil, are a great alternative. Visit our pharmacy to get help on finding the right supplement for you.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise is good for many things, especially to strengthen your muscles around the joints to help take the excess weight off of them. Stabilizing your joints helps protect them from daily wear and tear. The physical activity guidelines for Canadians recommend that adults be physically active at a moderate intensity for 2.5 hours a week. That’s roughly 30 minutes a day. When creating your exercise routine, important to hit all four types of exercise:

  1. Aerobic activity: Try to do 30 minutes of aerobic exercise 5 days a week

  2. Strengthening activities: Aim for at least two 20- to 30-minute sessions a week of strength exercises

  3. Flexibility exercises: Stretch at least 4 to 5 days a week, and hold each stretch for 10 to 15 seconds

  4. Balance exercises: Work balance exercise into your routine a few times a week.

Prevent Arthritis

Protect Your Joints

Exercises like lifting and squatting can wear on your joints over time. But this also includes repetitive movement like heavy lifting and stair climbing. If you do this regularly, like at work or through a sport, you’re more likely to develop or worsen your arthritis than someone who doesn’t. 

Take steps to minimize or prevent injuries to joints, such as wearing protective equipment and using the right techniques when you sit and stand, to protect your joints from everyday strains.

Think Ergonomic

Work at a desk? This can cause just as much strain on your body as a job that requires heavy lifting. If you’re sitting for long periods of time, place your computer monitor about arm’s length from you and about 15 degrees below your sightline to avoid straining your neck. Use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse to keep your arms and hands in a neutral position.

And don’t forget about your chair. Choose one with good lumbar support and a headrest. Sit with your back straight and keep your feet firmly on the floor or on a footrest. Set your armrests so your arms form a 90-degree angle and your wrists are straight.

Talk To Your Doctor

It’s time to talk to your doctor if you start to develop arthritis symptoms such as joint pain, stiffness, and swelling. An accurate diagnosis can get you started on treatment and help you minimize symptoms and prevent the disease from getting worse.

At Elysian Health, our integrated health model gains you access to our Imaging and Diagnostics clinic, helping you catch and treat diseases like arthritis early on. It’s time to take control of your health.

At Elysian Health, our integrated health model includes access to physiotherapy and massage therapy, helping you manage pain from a holistic perspective. It’s time to take control of your health.


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