Coronary Calcium Scoring: It could save your life.

Knowing your calcium score can be the key to better understanding your heart health, and identifying any diet and lifestyle changes you may need to make. Our advanced and cutting-edge technology in our Imaging and Diagnostics clinic is designed to give you a deeper understanding of your health, offering actionable insights and peace of mind.

Take control of your health by asking your doctor about a coronary calcium score test.

What a Coronary Calcium Score Measures

A coronary calcium heart test uses computerized tomography (CT) to detect calcium deposits in the coronary arteries of your heart. A higher score can suggest a higher risk of atherosclerosis (soft plaque narrowing in the coronary arteries), which can lead to a higher risk of a future heart attack. This score reflects the total area of calcium deposits and also the density of the calcium.

If you are between the ages 40-70 and at increased risk for heart disease (diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, smoking history or the consumption of >2 drinks per day) but do not have symptoms, please speak to your doctor about a coronary calcium score test.

What to expect during a Coronary Calcium Score test.

In advance of a coronary calcium examination, you should continue to take your usual medications, while avoiding caffeine and smoking for 24 hours prior to the exam. Prior to your calcium score there are no food restrictions.

In the clinic you will be asked to change into a gown from the waist up. The Tech will bring you into the room and ensure your comfort. ECG leads are placed on your chest to monitor your heart rate during the test. The CT scanner scans in time with your heart beat to take the pictures while your heart is at rest. This ensures clear images free of motion. The table of the scanner moves in and out of the machine while giving you breathing instructions. The test is approximately 15 minutes long. 

Our skilled Radiologist will read the images and make a report within 5 business days.

Interpretation of your Coronary Calcium Test results

Does a high score mean blocked arteries? It's a predictor, much like cholesterol. A high calcium score means that you have “hard plaque” in your arteries. High amounts of calcium deposits are closely correlated with atherosclerosis “soft plaque” deposits that can cause narrowing of the arteries and result in clinical events. 

Your primary care physician will go over your coronary calcium test results and with the knowledge of your medical history can advise the best course of treatment for you, which could involve more testing.

Please speak to your doctor about a coronary calcium test. To book a coronary calcium test, visit us online or call our Imaging and Diagnostics clinic at 604.256.3010.


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