The Benefits of a Ketogenic Diet

What is a ketogenic diet? Is it right for you? Can you do it safely? Get these questions answered and more during this interview with Richard Cote, Chief Pharmacy Officer at Elysian Pharmacy.

If you Google the ketogenic diet, you’ll probably be inundated with varying sources of information. So how do you know if it’s the right diet for you and your lifestyle?

We sat down with Chief Pharmacy Officer, Richard Cote, of Elysian Pharmacy to talk about the ketogenic diet and what some of the benefits of this lifestyle can be. 

What attracts most people to this diet is it’s a low carbohydrate diet. So only about 5% (40-50 grams) of your daily dietary intake is going to be carbohydrates, with a greater focus on fats and proteins. This means that a lot of attractive foods, like cheese and meat, get to remain in this diet. 

Richard emphasizes the importance of including vegetables, and that many people forget to make this a priority in the ketogenic diet. For this reason, he also suggests taking a multi-vitamin. 

Reaching ketosis and having a healthy gut microbiome are the goals of this diet, and both are points that Richard notes will continue to be heavily researched in the healthcare industry for years to come. The most positive impact he felt while remaining on this diet was mental clarity and an increase in energy levels (which is the ketosis state people aim for). 

This diet is great for athletes like triathlon runners and long-distance event athletes, while those focused on CrossFit and HIIT might see a small decrease in performance. 

Overall? Richard loves this diet for reducing inflammation and helping people live a long life. 

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