Is Your Chronic Stress Toxic?

Mind over matter? It’s not totally wrong to think that way. 

South Surrey Chronic Stress

Negative psychological health conditions such as depression, chronic stress, anxiety, anger, and pessimism can be connected with potentially harmful biological responses such as heartbeat irregularities, digestive complaints, increased blood pressure, inflammation, and reduced blood flow to the heart. 

Something like constant chronic stress can actually become toxic, which is where that mind-body connection comes into play. 

People have the ability to control how they respond to outside events and thus have control over how their autonomic nervous system engages. Regular mental health screenings and sessions with a counsellor or psychologist can help to train individuals in using their minds to positively affect their bodies, which leads to a longer life. 

Our minds and bodies are inseparable. Focusing on how something like stress impacts your heart health can save you from complications down the line. 

It Goes Both Ways

While mental well-being can improve your physical health, taking care of yourself physically, in turn, improves your mental health. 

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Just a short burst of 10 minutes' brisk walking increases our mental alertness, energy and positive mood while making the right nutritional choices can help boost your mental health.

In fact, being physically active:

  • Improves your self-esteem

  • Helps you to set goals and achieve them

  • Causes chemical changes in your brain which can help to positively change your mood

Experts say adequate sleep, regular exercise, getting outdoors, a nutritious diet, and mindfulness are all ways to improve mental health. 

Chances are, you are already taking steps to sustain your mental health, as well as your physical health – you just might not have realized it. 

If you want to learn about adrenal support programs and other solutions to managing stress, reach out to our Chief Pharmacy Officer Richard Cote at to find a solution that is right for you.


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