The 5 Best Vitamins and Minerals To Boost Your Immune System

Keeping your immune system healthy year-round is key to preventing infection and disease. While the best way to load up on vitamins and minerals is through your diet, vitamin and mineral supplements can help fill the gap in what your foods might be missing.

Nutritionist Pharmacist South Surrey White Rock

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient essential to the health and functioning of your immune system. Many people are deficient in this vitamin, especially during the winter, which can negatively affect immune function.

Healthy levels of this vitamin may help lower your risk of respiratory infections, so if you’re not getting this necessary vitamin from the sun consider adding a supplement to your diet.


Zinc is an essential mineral for immune system function, playing an important role in the inflammatory response. Once more, taking it while already sick may help reduce symptoms like nasal congestion, nasal drainage, sore throat, and cough resolve sooner.

For a faster recovery, start taking zinc to treat your illness within the first 24 hours of symptoms.

Vitamin C

This vitamin supports the function of various immune cells and enhances their ability to protect against infection. It’s probably the most popular supplement for fighting off colds and infections.

In fact, supplementing with Vitamin C can reduce the duration or severity of a sickness if you weren’t able to beat it before it took hold.


A powerful antioxidant in its own right, glutathione further helps the body fight off infection by increasing the amount of cells the immune system has to fight off bacteria and viruses.

Bonus, glutathione also helps as a detoxifying agent and can boost brain health.

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin B6 is essential to keeping your immune system in top condition.

Many adults are deficient in Vitamin B’s, as they’re water-soluble and often don’t get absorbed quick enough into our systems before we pee them out. For this reason, looking for a timed-release vitamin might be helpful.

Note that some supplements can interact with prescription or over-the-counter medications you’re taking, so be sure to talk with your healthcare provider before starting any supplements.

Have more questions about what vitamins and minerals are right for you? Make sure to pop by the clinic and have a chat with our Chief Pharmacy Officer Richard Cote who is passionate about supplements and can answer any questions you might have.

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