Elysian Health

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5 Unexpected Ways to Improve Memory

We lead busy lives in a society that is always on the go, so what happens when we’re not exactly sure what day of the week it is, or what time your yoga class starts? 

While everyone forgets things now and again, memory loss isn’t something to be taken lightly. Although there are no guarantees when it comes to preventing memory loss or dementia, certain activities might help. 

Consider these 5 unexpected ways to improve your memory. 

Take a different route to the grocery store

To keep your brain active, it’s important to keep it stimulated. Bringing puzzles or crosswords into the mix is always a good idea but you can even help stimulate your brain by taking different routes to work or the grocery store. Not only does this shake up your routine but if you walk it’s a great way to sneak in some physical activity. 

Physical activity helps pump blood to your brain to keep it sharp. Try incorporating anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes of daily exercise and you just might witness the mental clarity it gives you. 

Chat with friends

Did you know stress and depression can have an effect on memory loss? To ward them off, it’s important to socialize with others on a regular basis. Whether at work, on a socially distanced walk, or over the phone, chatting can help to improve your mood and memory. 

Go to bed 30 minutes earlier

It’s no secret that a good night’s rest is good for a lot of health reasons, and sleep plays an important role in helping you consolidate your memories, so you can recall them down the road. Most adults need 7-9 hours a night, so if sleep isn’t already a priority for you, it’s time to make it one.

Choose a healthy protein and skip the 3rd beer

Good for your brain, and your heart, a healthy diet isn’t something to ignore. While treats and sweets are definitely something you can have in moderation, overall, focus on eating lots of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Reducing sugar intake and choosing healthy protein sources, such as fish, beans and skinless poultry to give your brain the clarity it’s been looking for.

What you drink counts too, so make sure you’re staying well hydrated. You’ll never regret that extra glass of water, but you might that third beer. 

Set designated spots in your home for things

You’re likely to forget things if you’re not helping your brain out from the start. If you’re always putting your wallet and keys away in different places, not jotting down appointments in your calendar, or keeping a running to-do list, then it wouldn’t be a surprise if you forgot a thing or two. 

Set yourself and your brain up for success by organizing your home and life. A little can go a long way, so set designated spots in your home for things you reach for often. Put appointments in your calendar the minute they’re scheduled, and even say things aloud as you write them down on a notepad. Limiting distractions will help your brain focus on and thus retain specific information